The L.G.M.T update!
The Less categories, More tiles update is here!!
Hello everyone, finally took the time to write this long overdue devlog. Bear with me as I slowly learn to use all of Itch's features in my advantage.
First and foremost, I'd like to say thank you for your support!!
The pack now contains 50 colorful hexes sorted into 8 different categories.
Last time I update the rar. file (July 14) I doubled the amount of hexes AND the amount of categories.
I merge one or two categories (There once was a "fire" folder and a "fyre" folder, I'm not sure why) to make things quick and easier to use.

Right now, Green is the biggest category with 9 tiles and Dirt is the smallest with 3 different tiles on it and this brings me to...
Future Updates
As I've mentioned on Twitter while promoting this product, I tend to keep a constant flow of updates on the Wilderness palette 01 tile set. I've been painting more tiles every day or so, whenever I gather 20 (at least) new tiles, an update occurs.
A price increase will follow, naturally, so If you find this pack useful and interesting, tell your friends about it!
It is the best time to get it, after all.
I also would love to keep releasing new tiles with different themes. There's a sea-faring adventure pack that I've been working on since forever and a pack of Black and White icons that might see daylight in a few months.
That's it for the first Frigging frogs devlog eveerr!!
Once again, thank u all and I'll see you down the iridescent landscape !
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